Ebook Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics Baptism

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Get Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics Baptism

Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics Series: Baptism, Vol. XI, 236 pgsBy David P. ScaerThis dogmatic resource is based upon the outline and thought pattern of the Lutheran Confessions. The series is strictly and consciously confessional in its presentation of doctrine and its assessment and analysis of modern theological trends throughout the Christian church.ContentsPreface to the General IntroductionGeneral Introduction AbbreviationsIntroduction: Baptism as the Foundational Sacrament 1. Baptism as the Remedy for Original Sin 2. Baptism as Divine Command 3. The Biblical Origins of Baptism 4. The Efficacy of Baptism Excursus: Ministry: An Effect of Baptism 5. The Baptismal Formula: Baptism in the Name of the Triune God 6. Administration of Baptism 7. Baptism and the Holy Spirit Excursus: Living Water: Water and the Spirit Excursus: A Case in Pastoral Practice 8. Infant Baptism: An Historical Debate with Theological Implications 9. The Biblical Support for Infant Baptism 10. Infant Faith 11. Baptism's Necessity and Its Exceptions 12. Karl Barth on Baptism 13. The Ritual of Baptism 14. Baptism and Catechesis Conclusion Bibliography Indices From the Book:"Among Lutherans Baptism has not received the level of attention generally given to the Eucharist or to the recently renewed interest in the practice of private confession and absolution. Martin Luther did not value one means of grace over another in offering forgiveness, but he did make distinctions. He viewed each sacrament as having a unique function, and one could not be substituted for another. Baptism was not simply an entrance ceremony into the Christian community, but was equated with the Christian life and established the church's boundaries. Luther claimed that papists could not call the Lutherans heretics, since they all shared the same Baptism. This sacrament not only ushered the believers into the covenant, but was itself the covenant. Baptism was for Luther the foundational sacrament out of which all the other sacraments took their meaning: 'But baptism is the first and most important sacrament, without which the others are all nothing, as [the papists] must admit.' Being in Baptism is equivalent to being in Christ" [p. 1]."The only solution in restoring to Baptism the place of importance it has in the New Testament and in the early church is understanding Baptism as a totally christological act--an act or ritual in which Christ baptizes and in which the baptized Christian is joined to Christ's death and resurrection. By His being baptized by John, Jesus was committed by God to death and resurrection, and now in our Baptism he makes us participants in that same death and resurrection. Jesus is at the same time both object and subject of Baptism, the baptized and the baptizer. The One who commands His church to baptize is Himself baptized into death, and baptizes all Christians into that same death. What is confessed in the Apostles' Creed actually takes place concretely in Baptism. Baptism is the summary of the Christian faith and the history of salvation. The waters out of which the world arose, which lifted the ark of Noah, which were separated at the Red Sea, and which at Jordan flowed from the hands of John the Baptist over Jesus to lead Him to His cross--these same waters are found in every font, and embrace all Christendom. When we confess unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum, 'one Baptism for the remission of sins,' we are only confidently confessing our faith in Jesus Christ, and we and all His church are joined to Him" [p. 202]. 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